
Justin Trudeau, Enough Disinformation! Canadians Do Support BDS!

The Canadian BDS Coalition sent an Open Letter to the Government of Canada, regarding their involvement in the upcoming CanaDanse Festival in Israel. (Photo: via Social Media) By Marion Kawas – Palestine Chronicle – January 28, 2019 On January 15, 2019, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau further embellished his “trash talk” on BDS by responding to […]

Benny Gantz and Israel’s drive to become a modern-day Sparta

The former army chief may present a challenge to Benjamin Netanyahu, but his campaign’s exultation of destruction and oppression is chilling By Jonathon Cook | The National | 27 January 2019 With April’s elections looming, Benjamin Netanyahu has good reason to fear Benny Gantz, his former army chief. Gantz has launched a new party, named […]

 Israeli general mounts challenge to Netanyahu by flaunting Gaza carnage

Nazareth: With April’s elections looming, Benjamin Netanyahu has good reason to fear Benny Gantz, his former army chief. Gantz has launched a new party, named Israeli Resilience, just as the net of corruption indictments is closing around the prime minister. Already, at this early stage of campaigning, some 31 per cent of the Israeli public prefer Gantz to head the[Read More...]

End The Siege

DRIP, DRIP, DRIP These are three simple words that represent many aspects of human survival. There is a drip of water that quenches the thirst. There is a teardrop running down the cheek, be it in sorrow or happiness and there is a drip of rain that keeps the ground fertile, green and alive. But then there is the drip[Read More...]
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Florida bill would censor info on Israel-Palestine in schools, colleges

By Alison Weir | If Americans Knew | January 25, 2019 Three Florida state lawmakers have introduced a bipartisan bill that uses a new, Israel-centric definition of “anti-Semitism” that experts say would censor information about Israel-Palestine in Florida public schools and colleges. The bill’s sponsor is Republican Mike Caruso of Palm County. The co-sponsors are […]

Israel warns Ireland over bill boycotting settlement goods, summons ambassador

RT | January 25, 2019 Israel has warned Ireland over passing a bill to ban imports of West Bank settlement products, saying the legislation, if adopted, would have “severe ramifications” on mutual relations, AP reported. Israel’s Foreign Ministry said Friday it summoned Irish Ambassador Alison Kelly to the headquarters in Jerusalem and made Israel’s stance […]

Fatah: No elections in Gaza while its under Hamas rule

Chief of Hamas’ Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh (L) and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas (R) MEMO | January 24, 2019 Member of Fatah Revolutionary Council Mowfaq Matar said yesterday that “the elections will not be held in Gaza as long as it is controlled by Hamas,” Al-Resalah newspaper reported. Speaking to Al-Resalah, he said: “It […]