
What Do Netanyahu’s Racist Comments Say About Modern Israel?

Robert Inlakesh
21st Century Wire
Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has caused controversy across the world following his racist reply to an Israeli TV stars comments on ‘Arabs’ in Israel, as well as his decision to partner up with a Jewish extremist Party for the upcoming elections.
But why has Netanyahu decided to suddenly behave like this and more importantly, what do his actions say about Israeli society?

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The Zionist Story’ (2009)

Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.
The Zionist Story, is an independent film which chronicles the story of ethnic cleansing, colonialism and apartheid to produce a demographically Jewish State. This rare effort combines archival footage along with commentary from the filmmaker and prominent dissident voices such as Ilan Pappe, Terry Boullata, Alan Hart and Jeff Halper.

The Fake News Nazi – Corbyn, Williamson And The Anti-Semitism Scandal

One of us had a discussion with an elderly relative: ‘He can’t be allowed to become Prime Minister.’ ‘Why not?’ ‘It’s so awful…’ ‘What is?’ ‘The way he hates the Jews.’ The last comment was spoken with real anguish, the result of continuous exposure to just two main news sources: the Daily Mail and the BBC. What is astonishing is […]
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Sayyed Houthi: Arab Media Campaigns against Hezbollah Result of Normalization with ‘Israel’

Al-Manar | March 3, 2019 The leader of the Houthi Ansarullah revolutionary movement, Sayyed Abdul Malik al- Houthi, on Sunday stressed that the Warsaw conference was a mere announcement of normalizing ties between some Arab regimes and the Zionist entity at the expense of the Palestinian cause. Sayyed Houthi stressed rejection of this normalization, considering […]

Palestine: the Middle Eastern Equation with Many Unknowns

By Veniamin Popov – New Eastern Outlook – 03.03.2019 In the middle of February 2019, one of the main Israeli newspapers, Haaretz, published an article, which reported that, according to official Israeli statistics, 6.7 million Jews and 6.7 million Arabs lived in Israeli territories (including the occupied Palestinians lands) at the beginning of 2019. In […]