
The Unfinished Gaza War: What Netanyahu Hopes to Gain from Attacking Palestinian Prisoners

The current violence targeting Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails dates back to January 2. It was then that Israel’s Public Security Minister, Gilad Erdan declared that the “party is over.” “Every so often, infuriating pictures appear of cooking in the terrorist wings. This party is coming to an end,” Erdan was quoted in the Jerusalem Post. Then, the so-called Erdan’s[Read More...]

US Senate Provokes Turkey by Backing The New Hellenic-Israeli Alliance in The Eastern Mediterranean

By Adam Garrie | EurasiaFuture | 2019-04-10 If anyone doubted that the thriving partnership between Athens, Nicosia and Tel Aviv is not as much about gas as it is about military cooperation, an official statement from the US Senate has put such theories permanently to rest. Not only is Israel siding with countries that continue […]

The Unfinished Gaza War: What Netanyahu Hopes to Gain from Attacking Palestinian Prisoners

By Ramzy Baroud | Palestine Chronicle | April 10, 2019 The current violence targeting Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails dates back to January 2. It was then that Israel’s Public Security Minister, Gilad Erdan declared that the “party is over.” “Every so often, infuriating pictures appear of cooking in the terrorist wings. This party is […]

Hamas Won Again

By Gilad Atzmon – April 10, 2019 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won a decisive victory yesterday. He is likely to carry on to a fifth term in office. As of this morning, the right-wing bloc has a clear advantage of 65 seats (out of 120) over the centre/left parties and seems more likely to form […]

Pakistan’s PM Slams India’s Modi and Israel’s Netanyahu as “Morally Bankrupt”

Sputnik – 09.04.2019 New Delhi – Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday launched a scathing attack on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the day when Israel is voting to elect its next government; India will begin the voting process for its general elections shortly. “When leaders in […]

Israel Holds Elections on Day Palestinians Commemorate Deir Yassin Massacre

JERUSALEM — Elections for the 21st Israeli Knesset will take place April 9. On this day in 1948, Zionist militia entered the quiet village of Deir Yassin, murdered many of its inhabitants, expelled the survivors, and destroyed most of what remained. It was known to be a peaceful village that sat on the western edge of Jerusalem and in the early hours of that fateful day, Zionist terrorist squads attacked and massacred over one hundred men, women and children.

To Complete Her Profile in Courage, Rep. Ilhan Omar Should Embrace the One-State Solution

WASHINGTON (Opinion) — Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) — Congress’ fiercest critic of the Zionist lobby and the apartheid policies of Israel — has come out in support of a two-state solution, a weak and outdated proposition that has long been doomed.
Increasingly, Palestinians are recognizing that a single secular democratic state with equal rights for Palestinians and Israelis is the only way forward — and so too are advocates in the West, including American Jews. We welcome Rep. Omar to join us in this righteous cause with open arms.

Should Palestinian citizens of Israel boycott the April 9 Knesset elections?

Photo caption: Welcome to Israeli elections where advocating war crimes gets you votes! Sign reads “No to ceasefire. It’s time for continuous (non-stop) fire.” As Haidar Eid, Associate Professor at al-Aqsa University on the Gaza Strip,put it, If we are to gain anything from this critical moment, we should seize the opportunity offered us by the blatant racism of Israeli[Read More...]

Palestinian prisoners launch collective hunger strike to demand justice and dignity

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network – April 8, 2019 Palestinian prisoners have announced the launch of a collective hunger strike in Israeli prisons on Monday, 8 April to demand an end to the ongoing and escalated repression inside the prisons. The strike is being led by a number of leaders from all of the Palestinian […]

The Israeli Justice Minister Justifies Genocide of the Palestinian People for Starting a War against the Jews: But What If She Is Wrong?

By William A. Cook | American Herald Tribune | April 6, 2019 A day before Palestinian teenager Muhammad Abu Khudair was kidnapped and burned alive (2014), Israeli Justice Minister, Ayelet Shaked, published in Facebook, a call for genocide of the Palestinian people. I was guided to her call for genocide by an article Ali Abunimah […]