
 10 Points on Palestine’s Nakba and ‘Israel’s’ Illegitimacy

Nakba Day, the Day of the Catastrophe, is commemorated on the 15th May, the day after the Jewish terrorist Ben Gurion unilaterally proclaimed the Israeli Declaration of Independence on a gaping fault line of delegitimisation. 1.  The Balfour Declaration illegally promising to facilitate a Jewish national homeland in Palestine with the stipulation – “it being clearly understood that nothing shall[Read More...]

Israel was Forced on Palestinians — as in Rape

Palestine is about to be gang-raped again. It’s been 71 years now, to the day, and the Jewish State of Israel, the bastard progeny of Zionism’s rape of Palestine, is still “thriving” among us as the fictitious “ancestral homeland” of Jews — a deceptive rhetorical ploy Thomas Friedman, among many others, has been spouting, without check — until recently. “The term ‘Jew’ is fuzzy[Read More...]

Jerusalem Cable Car Project Passes Over Objections from Many Quarters

East Jerusalem has received new impetus from the rise of the Israeli far right and Washington’s decision to move its embassy to the city. But if completed, critics say, the long-running proposal would contribute to erasing the visibility of Palestinians in the city they hope to make their capital.
Planning for the $55 million tourism project continues despite unifying archaeologists, architects, Palestinians, and a tiny community of Jews against it – in a sign of Israel’s ever-growing confidence in making unilateral moves in occupied parts of Jerusalem.

The UN is a mouthpiece for Israeli propaganda, not a threat to the colonial state

By Ramona Wadi | MEMO | May 14, 2019 Only a few days before the Palestinian commemoration of the 1948 Nakba, in which the indigenous people of Palestine were massacred, displaced and ethnically cleansed to pave the way for the European Zionist colonial project, Germany issued a statement declaring its intention to oppose “any unfair […]

Israel’s Common Denominator: Why Israel Will Continue to Bomb Gaza

On May 4, Israel launched a series of deadly airstrikes on the besieged Gaza Strip, prompting a response from various resistance groups. At least 25 Palestinians were killed and nearly 200 people wounded in the Israeli attacks. Four Israelis were also killed by Palestinian rockets. The clashes were instigated by Israel, when the Israeli military killed four Palestinians in Gaza[Read More...]

With the US-Iran War Ball Now Rolling, Could an “Accident” or “False Flag” Serve as Pretext?

By Whitney Webb | MintPress News | May 13, 2019 As tensions between the U.S. and Iran threaten to boil over, the probability of a provocation or “accident” that would provoke hostilities between the two countries is higher than ever. U.K. Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt, after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, openly […]