
Israeli Forces Seize Palestinian Garbage Trucks, Detain Drivers

IMEMC News – July 10, 2019 A group of Israeli soldiers on Wednesday detained Palestinian municipal employees in the village of Beit Fourik, in the northern West Bank, and seized several vehicles used for trash collection. According to local sources, the vehicles that were seized include a garbage truck, a tractor used for hauling garbage […]

The Obama Wars

By David Swanson | War Is A Crime | July 10, 2019 By “the Obama wars” I don’t mean some overgrown infants on television screaming racist insults or pretending that opposing racism requires cheering for Obama. I mean: the widespread indiscriminate murder of human beings with missiles — many of them from robot airplanes — […]

In landmark decision, Israel court rules PA ‘liable’ for Second Intifada attacks

MEMO | July 8, 2019 The Palestinian Authority (PA) could be forced to pay up to 1 billion shekels ($280 million) in damages after an Israeli court ruled that it was liable for attacks during the Second Intifada. In an unprecedented decision, the Jerusalem District Court today ruled that the PA is “liable” for attacks […]

Israel students forced to pass government propaganda course before overseas school trips

MEMO | July 8, 2019 The Israeli government is compelling high school students to pass an online propaganda course before being allowed to participate in overseas class trips, a course promoting “racist ideology”. Legal rights centre Adalah has written to the Education Ministry demanding an immediate halt to the online courses, after a school in […]

Settler tour exemplifies the difficult reality of occupation in the Old City of Hebron – a photo essay

International Solidarity Movement – July 7, 2019 Hebron, occupied Palestine – Every Saturday, illegal Jewish settlers from around the West Bank take a “tour” of the busy souq (market) in Old City of Hebron, the busiest market street in the area since the closure of Shuhada Street. Local Palestinians believe that the Israeli authorities facilitate […]

The Book of Palestine: National Liberation vs Endless Negotiations

Those who are still hoping that the new American agenda on Palestine and Israel is temporary, or reversible, should abandon this false hope. Washington’s complete adoption of Israel’s messianic, extremist policies regarding Occupied Palestine has been a long time in the making. And it is here to stay. Despite the unmistakable clarity in the American political discourse regarding Palestine, the[Read More...]

It is not the Non-existent Iranian Bomb; it is the Other Existing Bombs

United States (US) demands that Iran promise to halt pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missile developments distract from the real intent of the US actions. Knowing that the Islamic Republic is not pursuing nuclear weapons and will react aggressively to sanctions, the US ploy deters other nations from establishing more friendly relations with Iran and from changing their perspectives on the causes of the Middle East crises.