
Vancouver City Council Won’t Set Precedent in Endorsing IHRA Definition

By Marion Kawas | Palestine Chronicle | July 28, 2019 The City of Vancouver, Canada might seem to be an odd place for a battle over the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of Anti-Semitism. But that is exactly what happened in the last week, and it all concluded with at least a temporary victory […]

Abbas must take practical measures concerning suspension of all deals with Israel: Hamas

Press TV – July 28, 2019 A senior official from the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement says the recent decision made by President of the Palestinian Authority (PA) Mahmoud Abbas to suspend all agreements signed with the Israeli regime needs practical steps. Mousa Abu Marzouk, in a post published on his official Twitter page on Saturday, […]

When will Ayanna Pressley realize that “the pain” she feels is the identical pain Palestinians feel?

When Michelle Alexander, a distinguished African-American scholar, wrote her now famous column in The New York Times, ‘Time to Break the Silence on Palestine’,her sympathetic words toward Palestinians received huge attention. Her article became a “watershed moment … with arguably even more impact on mainstream U.S. opinion than Israel’s onslaught last spring against Gaza’s Great March of Return, which left[Read More...]

Holocaust Never Again but to Palestinians

Israel is a Zionist colonial project based on the destruction of Palestinian homes and cities, the ethnic cleansing of all Christian and Moslem goyim Palestinians, and the implanting of Zionist foreign Jews in the land. Such destruction and expulsion were accomplished through terror, massacres and devastated wars; a real Palestinian holocaust. This holocaustal expulsion ideology could be seen in the[Read More...]

Hamas lauds Abbas’s decision to revoke agreements with Israel

Palestine Information Center – July 26, 2019 GAZA – The Hamas Movement has applauded Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas’s decision to renounce the agreements signed with Israel as “a step in the right direction,” calling for translating it into actions immediately. “This move is in line with the requirements of the difficult stage the Palestinian […]

Palestinian President Suspends Agreements with Israel Following Demolition of 70 Palestinian Homes

IMEMC News – July 26, 2019 The President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, announced Thursday evening the suspension of all agreements and accords signed with Israel, citing the demolition this week of 70 Palestinian homes in Sur Baher, an area that is supposed to be under full Palestinian control according to the signed agreements. […]

Abbas suspends all agreements with Israel

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has announced: All standing agreements with Israel will be suspended indefinitely. President Abbas announced the decision on Thursday afternoon. The Palestine President said the suspension would take effect by Friday. The move by Palestine comes in response to the Israeli government’s demolition of homes in Wadi Hummus, a Palestinian community in southeast Jerusalem. Israeli authorities claim[Read More...]

Interview on Last American Vagabond: Rukban Camp (Syria) & Gaza

Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond had me on his show to discuss Syria & Palestine.

“In this interview we go over the US-run al-Rukban internment camp in Syria and what these people have been forced to endure even as the MSM ignores their plight, as well as some of what Eva saw while living in Palestine, the parallels between the two atrocities, and the governmental ties that bind them.”