
Time to Breach the Wall of Silence on Supporting Israeli War Crimes!

By Marion Kawas | Palestine Chronicle | August 25, 2019 The federal election in Canada is coming up on October 21, 2019, and once again there is a debate, both within the Palestinian community and the solidarity movement, on the best tactics and strategies to hold politicians to account. Parameters have shifted dramatically since 2015; […]

Smearing Paul Findley: Jonathan Schanzer Only Confirms That the Former Illinois Congressman Was Right

By Philip Giraldi | American Herald tribune | August 25, 2019 Former Republican congressman from Illinois Paul Findley died at age 98 on August 9th. Most obituaries and remembrances of him were respectful, but one that appeared in the American Jewish Committee founded neoconservative magazine Commentary written by Jonathan Schanzer of the Foundation for Defense […]

West Bank IED Attack Kills And Injures Israelis- A Closer Look

By Robert Inlakesh | 21st Century Wire | August 23, 2019 Earlier this Friday morning an IED attack, conducted inside the occupied West Bank, killed one Israeli and injured two others. The incident has been blamed on unidentified Palestinians, who were said to have planted the IED the night prior to the incident, before detonating […]

West Bank IED Attack Kills and Injures Israelis- A Closer Look

Earlier this Friday morning an IED attack, conducted inside the occupied West Bank, killed one Israeli and injured two others.
The incident has been blamed on unidentified Palestinians, who were said to have planted the IED the night prior to the incident, before detonating it upon the arrival of the Israeli settlers to the location.

Lindsey Graham’s Blank Check. Why a Defense Agreement With Israel Would Be a Disaster for Americans

By Philip Giraldi | Strategic Culture Foundation | August 22, 2019 Two world wars began because of unconditional pledges made by one country to come to assistance of another. On July 5, 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany pledged his country’s complete support for whatever response Austria-Hungary would choose to make against Serbia after the […]

How Israel’s Labor Engineered the Illegal Jewish Colonies in Palestine

By Ramzy Baroud | MEMO | August 22, 2019 Following the Israeli victory in the 1967 war, it became impossible for Zionist ideologues to mask the true nature of their state – an unwavering colonial regime with an expansionist agenda. While Zionism was undoubtedly a colonial enterprise from the onset, many Zionists refused to perceive […]