
Maccabee Task Force covertly funded 3,200 pro-Israel events on US campuses

By Alison Weir | If Americans Knew | December 26, 2019 David Brog, executive director of the Maccabee Task Force, emailed supporters on December 26th: “In the spirit of Hanukkah, donate to help us create modern day Maccabees.” (Maccabees are sometimes seen as violent extremists; see below). The Maccabee Task Force funds free, propaganda trips […]

This Christmas, Israel Intensifies Its War on Christians in The Holy Land

While it’s widely known about Israel’s systematic persecution of Palestine’s native Arab population, only a very few Americans or Europeans are really aware of the well-documented history of Israeli discrimination against native Christians in the Holy Land.
This morning, embattled Israeli Prime Minister and Likud leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, tweeted out this message to “Christians around the world.” Presumably he means his political support base of evangelical Christians, or more specifically, Christian Zionists, residing in America.

The Freedom Flotilla Will Make its 35th Attempt to Sail to Gaza in 2020

What is Gaza to us but an Israeli missile, a rudimentary rocket, a demolished home, an injured child being whisked away by his peers under a hail of bullets? On a daily basis, Gaza is conveyed to us as a bloody image or a dramatic video, none of which can truly capture the everyday reality of the Strip – its formidable steadfastness, the everyday acts of resistance, and the type of suffering that can never be really understood through a customary glance at a social media post.

Israel halts Jordan Valley annexation ahead of ICC probe

MEMO | December 24, 2019 Israel’s plans to annex the occupied Jordan Valley have been frozen following the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision to launch a full investigation into alleged war crimes in the Palestinian territories, reports Ynet News. The first Israeli ministerial team meeting to discuss the plans for annexing the Jordan Valley, scheduled […]

Israel allows only 55 Palestinian Christians from Gaza to enter West Bank for Christmas

MEMO | December 24, 2019 Israeli authorities have only allowed 55 Christians in the Gaza Strip to enter the West Bank and Jerusalem to celebrate Christmas, according to local news agency Ma’an. The Orthodox Church in Gaza said among the 600 official requests that were submitted to Israel, occupation authorities agreed to grant travel permits […]

Hard Evidence on Torture and Ill-Treatment Committed against Palestinian Detainees at Israeli Interrogation Centers

Addameer Prisoner Support And Human Rights Association | December 23, 2019 Since its creation, the occupying state developed and enforced laws and practices that led to both the systematic use of torture and to absolute impunity for the perpetrator of this crime. There has never been any individual or agency held accountable for the well-documented […]

The Trudeau Government Joins the Global Majority on Israel-Palestinian Relations

By Anthony James Hall | American Herald Tribune | December 22, 2019 The Chief Executive of B’nai Brith Canada has condemned as anti-democratic a vote in late 2019 by Canada’s Trudeau government. In one of its first major international acts, Trudeau’s minority government sided with 166 other member states of the United Nations’ General Assembly. […]

US State Department ‘firmly opposes’ ICC probe into Israeli war crimes allegations, insisting court lacks jurisdiction

RT | December 21, 2019 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has voiced “firm” opposition to a bid in the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate alleged war crimes committed by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories. After nearly four years of preliminary investigation, the ICC’s top prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said on Friday that the […]