
In the name of ‘Israel’s security’, retreating US gives it billions more in military aid

By Ramzy Baroud | The Palestine Chronicle | January 21, 2020 Billions of US taxpayers’ dollars will continue to be funnelled into Israel in the next fiscal year, and for many years in the foreseeable future. Republican and Democratic Senators have recently ensured just that, passing a Bill aimed at providing Israel with $3.3 billion […]

Jews’ Ten Pledges vs Palestinians’ Eleven Red Lines

All five leadership candidates embrace ‘Ten Pledges’ that dictate how they must think, speak and act. By Stuart Littlewood | American Herald Tribune | January 21, 2020 The UK Labour Party is saying goodbye to Jeremy Corbyn as leader after its disastrous general election performance and has begun choosing someone else. Wasting no time, the […]

Israel participation in Expo 2020 Dubai amounts to normalization: Hamas

Press TV – January 20, 2020 Palestinian Islamic resistance movement Hamas has censured Israel’s presence in the Expo 2020, which is to be hosted by the United Arab Emirates’ city of Dubai, as a form of normalization between the Persian Gulf state and the Tel Aviv regime. Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem, in a written statement […]

Break The Silence And Speak Up For The People Of Palestine

The third Monday of January every year has been designated a national holiday in the USA to honour the memory of slain civil rights leader, Dr Martin Luther King Jr. — who was assassinated April 4, 1968 in Memphis. This honour was proposed during the Reagan era in 1986 but it was not recognised nationally until the year 2000. Even[Read More...]

Severe torture in Israeli prisons targets Palestinian steadfastness: Walid Hanatsheh, Samer Arbeed, Mays Abu Ghosh and more

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network | January 19, 2020 In the last months of 2019 and early 2020, a growing number of cases of severe physical torture against Palestinian detainees carried out by Israeli Shin Bet interrogators have been documented. While torture and abuse of various kinds have been a mainstay of the Israeli interrogation […]

The Pledge: Labour’s Contrived ‘anti-Semitism Crisis’ Outlives Corbyn

Once Jeremy Corbyn assumed his party’s leadership in 2015, the Israeli Lobby, Conservative Party operatives and the mainstream press began a highly coordinated defamation campaign designed to damage the Labour leader and party’s reputation, and to keep him from ever reaching No.10 Downing Street. All this despite the fact that Corbyn has been a life-long anti-racism campaigner.

Dutch government criticises pro-Israel lobby group NGO Monitor’s ‘half-facts and insinuations’

MEMO | January 17, 2020 The Dutch government has criticised the conduct of pro-Israel advocacy group NGO Monitor, singling out the unreliability of their accusations against human rights defenders. Responding to a parliamentary question, Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok stated that the Netherlands is “concerned about the shrinking civil space in Israel”, and “therefore consistently […]

Explained: Why the US Hated and Assassinated Iran’s General Soleimani

Since Washington’s double assassination of Iranian Quds Force leader, General Qasem Soleimani, and senior Iraqi PMU commander, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, on January 3rd, the White House and its mainstream media adjuncts have run an incessant propaganda campaign to try and demonize the Iranian military commander, calling him “an evil man” who had “the blood of Americans and Iranians on his hands,” as well as being “the world’s leading terrorist.”