
The US bought Sisi for $9bn, but the Egyptian people cannot be swayed

By Amelia Smith | MEMO | February 9, 2020 When Trump announced Jerusalem was Israel’s undivided capital under his so-called “deal of the century”, the Egyptian public questioned whether Al-Sisi had a hand in preparing the plan. His support, after all, came just half an hour after the announcement. Officially, Egypt supports the establishment of […]

Palestinian rights and Western duplicity

President Trump’s fraudulent Middle East deal runs roughshod over Palestinian rights, harms long-term Israeli interests, and is only the latest example of the US arrogance and disdain for international law. Essentially Trump’s offer, negotiated without any Palestinian input, requires the Palestinians to sell out their hopes for justice and a decent life free of occupation for money. Trump was attempting[Read More...]

Palestinian Rights and Western Duplicity

President Trump’s fraudulent Middle East deal runs roughshod over Palestinian rights, harms long-term Israeli interests, and is only the latest example of the US arrogance and disdain for international law. Essentially Trump’s offer, negotiated without any Palestinian input, requires the Palestinians to sell out their hopes for justice and a decent life free of occupation for money. Trump was attempting to satisfy Israel and its US supporters, including many of his big money donors, with this deal that would allow Israel to steal even more Palestinian land.

EXPLAINED: Trump & Kushner’s ‘Deal of the Century’ for Palestine-Israel

In this video, we look at ‘Trump & Sons’ supposed landmark ‘Deal of the Century’ for Israel and Palestine. On closer inspection it’s already an unmitigated political disaster for the White House, and not much better for Tel Aviv either. For the Palestinians and their supporters around the world, it’s completely unacceptable.

21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen joins UK Column’s Mike Robinson to deconstruct Washington’s latest failed endeavor. Watch:

Ex-Netanyahu Adviser Brings Thousands Of Christians To Israel On Propaganda Trips

MEMO | February 6, 2020 A former adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has brought thousands of Christian American students to Israel over the last four years for propaganda junkets, reported JTA.  “Passages”, a nine-day trip whose itinerary includes Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Bethlehem and West Bank settlement Alfei Menashe, began in 2016 and will […]

Abbas is a mouthpiece for international impositions on Palestine

By Ramona Wadi | MEMO | February 6, 2020 The Palestinian Authority has learned nothing from decades of futile UN Security Council Resolutions. Do the people of Palestine really need international consensus regarding the already very clear illegality of US President Donald Trump’s so-called deal of the century? Pushing on regardless, PA leader Mahmoud Abbas […]

Palestinians in Israel are the next target for the deal of the century

Women in Gaza come together to protest against Trump’s ‘peace deal’ on 5 February 2020 [Mohammad Asad/Middle East Monitor] MEMO | February 6, 2020 Israelis of all political persuasions welcomed the Trump “peace plan”, but the Palestinian citizens of the self-styled Jewish state are angry because the deal refers to land and population swaps between […]

First Morocco, then Sudan: Netanyahu Intensifies Normalization Efforts with more Arab Countries

Palestine Chronicle | February 6, 2020 Amid the ongoing Israeli efforts to normalize ties with African countries, Tel Aviv has been intensifying its diplomatic relations with Sudan and Morocco over the last week. On February 4, Israeli media reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been lobbying the United States to recognize Moroccan sovereignty over […]

Intimidating or Coercing a Civilian Population Is Terrorism. Right?

So Trump’s ‘peace plan’ threatening to wipe out the Palestinians’ legitimate rights and reduce them to a fragmented vassal mini-state with restricted freedom and limited self-rule, to be forever at the mercy of their cruel and lawless neighbor, is a terror document. Right? By Stuart Littlewood | American Herald Tribune | February 5, 2020 The […]