
Trump-Kushner “Peace” Plan ignores elephants in the room: Israel created this mess

The Trump-Kushner ‘Peace’ Plan is slick and businesslike, with an aura of objectivity and balance – but it’s exactly the opposite, and something about it stinks. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Donald Trump are always accompanied by their shared comfort animal, the elephant in the room (Photo-collage by If Americans Knew) By Kathryn […]

Labour’s Next Leader has Already betrayed the Left

In recent years the British Labour party has grown rapidly to become one of the largest political movement in Europe, numbering more than half a million members, many of them young people who had previously turned their backs on national politics.
The reason was simple: a new leader, Jeremy Corbyn, had shown that it was possible to rise to the top of a major party without being forced to sacrifice one’s principles along the way and become just another machine politician.

‘The Donald Trump I know’: Abbas’ UN Speech and the Breakdown of Palestinian Politics

A precious moment has been squandered, as Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, had the chance to right a historical wrong, by reinstating Palestinian national priorities at the United Nations Security Council on February 11, through a political discourse that is completely independent from Washington and its allies. For a long time, Abbas has been a hostage to the very language[Read More...]

“The Donald Trump I know”: Abbas’ UN Speech and the Breakdown of Palestinian Politics

By Ramzy Baroud | Dissident Voice | February 20, 2020 A precious moment has been squandered, as Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, had the chance to right a historical wrong, by reinstating Palestinian national priorities at the United Nations Security Council on February 11, through a political discourse that is completely independent from Washington and […]

Hamas delegation meets Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister

MEMO | February 20, 2020 A senior Hamas delegation has met with Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov in Doha, the capital of Qatar. In a statement issued on Wednesday, the Islamic Resistance Movement said that its delegation was led by the head of its International Office, Mousa Abu Marzook, accompanied by Political Bureau member […]

The PA is blindly accepting international impositions on Palestinians

By Ramona Wadi | MEMO | February 20, 2020 Israel and the Palestinian Authority have been trading the same rhetoric about not having a suitable partner for diplomatic negotiations. The senior adviser and spokesman for Mahmoud Abbas, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, recently took the statement further to again assert the PA’s distaste for legitimate armed resistance. […]

Basil Valentine: Identity Politics & How PC Culture is Destroying Our Discourse

In EP 315 of the SUNDAY WIRE host Patrick Henningsen is joined by SUNDAY WIRE Roving Correspondent for Culture & Sport, Basil Valentine, to discuss how weaponized identity politics is ruining public discourse in America and Europe and how politics is no longer a forum for debate – it’s where special interest groups issue ultimatums, which invariably opens the door for more oppression as undemocratic forces enter the vacuum created by censorship.

Israeli policy of assassinations cannot terrorize Palestinians to accept Trump’s deal: Nakhala

Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement Ziad al-Nakhala speaks during a televised speech broadcast live from Gaza City on February 19, 2020. Press TV – February 19, 2020 The secretary-general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad resistance movement says the Tel Aviv regime’s plan to return to “the policy of assassinations” against distinguished figures […]

Netanyahu “Optimistic” Israel Can Use Political Pressure To Shut Down ICC War Crimes Probe

TEL AVIV — Since the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced it would investigate war crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip and occupied West Bank last December, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been attempting to rally Israel’s allies in a multilateral effort to stop the ICC’s probe.