
Palestinian Worker Dumped at Israeli Checkpoint for Exhibiting Coronavirus Symptoms

PNN | March 24, 2020

Yesterday, Israeli occupation forces threw a worker by the side of the road at the “Beit Sira” checkpoint near the city of Nablus, over suspicion of him being infected with the novel Corona virus.
Locals filmed the man and called the medical crews who rushed to save the worker, who was left at the road, unable to move, for around three hours with high temperature.

The Coronavirus Outbreak is Revealing the Appalling Conditions Faced by Palestinians in Israeli Prisons

Ramallah, West Bank — Palestinian political prisoner Muwaffaq Arouq, 77, is now in critical condition. He has lost weight, has a fever and can only eat through a feeding tube inserted into his abdomen, according to the Committee of Prisoners and Former Prisoners’ Affairs. Doctors discovered Arouq had cancer in July, but the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) delayed his treatment until November — worsening his condition.

Israel settlers attack Palestinian farmers in Jordan Valley

MEMO | March 16, 2020

While Palestinians are busy fighting the outbreak of the coronavirus, Israeli occupation settlers have increased their attacks in the occupied Jordan Valley, Al Mugtama Magazine reported yesterday.
The armed settlers carried out a wide-scale campaign of attacks on the Palestinian herders and farmers. They stole scores of animals and damaged wide swathes of farmlands.

“A Policeman, a Pastor and a Palestinian”: The “Chilestinians” as a Model for Palestinian Unity

I was only introduced to the term ‘Chilestinians’ last February at a conference in Istanbul, during a presentation by the Director of the Palestinian Federation of Chile, Anuar Majluf.
When Majluf referred to the well-rooted Palestinian community in Chile, who number between 450,000 and half a million, using that unfamiliar and peculiar phrase, I smiled. Others did, too.

Shame of New York Times ‘Apartheid Reporting’ on Coronavirus in Israel and Palestine

The recent international crisis over the outbreak of the coronavirus and COVID-19 disease, has brought out some of the best aspects of humanity, as communities and government pull together to tackle the deadly epidemic.
Unfortunately though, it has also exposed some of the ugliest underlying fissures which exist between ‘the haves’ and have nots. Nowhere on earth is such inequity as visible as between the State of Israel and its occupied vassal territories in Palestine.

Al-Aqsa Mosque to Remain Closed Over Coronavirus Safety Concerns

The Al-Aqsa compound located in the holy city of Jerusalem (Image Credit: Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu Agency)
The third holiest Islam site,  the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, will be closed due to concerns over the spread of the novel coronavirus and COVID-19.

Sheikh Omar Kiswani, the director of the mosque, announced today that prayers will continue, but will instead be held outdoors.
The closure of the holy mosque will continue until further notice.