
The One-State ─ Deposition Before Imposition

The one-state cannot be achieved without changing Israel’s legal and administrative structures, difficult tasks whose possibilities are remote. Deposing the characteristics of the Zionist mission that defines Israel is more plausible. Deposition precedes imposition; destroying the framework that supports Israel allows a new foundation for constructing a new state ─ a one-state, the natural state. Now that the two state[Read More...]

Israel blocks Palestinian mothers travelling with newborn babies

MEMO | July 27, 2020

The Israeli authorities have prevented two Palestinian women from leaving the occupied West Bank for Jordan because their newborn babies are not registered in the Zionist state, Wafa news agency has reported.
Although the babies are registered with the Palestinian Interior Ministry, they were not allowed to cross into Jordan via the Allenby Bridge.

The Growing China – Israel Conflict

  The ‘annexation deal’ which is referred as ‘deal of the century’ under which Israel is to annex West Bank of Palestine and for which Donald Trump is being heavily coerced to make ‘it possible’ in exchange of Jewish and Christian Zionists votes in America does now surely stands debunked as China, for the first time has so openly come[Read More...]

Israel’s Supreme Court: Palestinian Prisoners Have No Right to Social Distancing against COVID-19

Palestine Chronicle | July 25, 2020

Israel’s Supreme Court rejected yesterday a petition by Adalah, The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, demanding Israeli authorities to implement COVID-19 protective guidelines for prisoners at Gilboa prison, where 30 prison guards and seven Palestinian prisoners are infected, while 489 guards and 58 prisoners are in quarantine.