
An Environmental Nakba: The Palestinian Environment Under Israeli Colonization

Artwork by Andrea Settimo By Mazin B. Qumsiyeh and Mohammed A. Abusarhan | Volume 23, number 1, Science Under Occupation Prior to the 1948 war and even the Zionist Congress of 1897, Palestine had some thirteen hundred villages and towns, each with a small and manageable population living sustainably with nature. The land was owned […]

Facebook COO pledges $2.5 mill to Israel advocacy group, brushing off Palestinian complaints of censorship

If Americans Knew | October 17, 2020 In the midst of a campaign by Palestinian journalists accusing Facebook of suppressing their content, Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, has pledged $2.5 million to the ADL, an organization that devotes much of its work to Israel advocacy. We’ll first look at the complaints about censorship, then […]

Syrie : SitRep 91 avec Ayssar Midani (15 octobre 2020)

Voici le 91ème « SitRep » d'Ayssar Midani sur la Syrie. Au programme : Palestine – grève de la faim de Maher Al Akhras – 20 ans après la visite de Sharon sur l'esplanade des mosquées Syrie – réouverture de l'aéroport de Damas – incendies majeures autour de Lattaquié et sur toute la côte syrienne – conférence à Berne “Souveraineté des états et droit international” – Résistance populaire – Bilan coronavirus en Syrie Cliquez ici pour soutenir le Cercle des (...)


Zionist War on Palestinian Festival in Rome is Ominous Sign of Things to Come

A Zionist-led war on a Palestinian cultural festival in Rome has exposed the fragility of the Italian political system when it comes to the conversation on Palestine and Israel. The sad truth is that, although Italy is not often associated with a ‘powerful’ pro-Israel lobby as is the case in Washington, the pro-Israel influence in […]

Syrie : SitRep 91 avec Ayssar Midani (15 octobre 2020)

Voici le 91ème « SitRep » d’Ayssar Midani sur la Syrie. Au programme : Palestine – grève de la faim de Maher Al Akhras – 20 ans après la visite de Sharon sur l’esplanade des mosquées Syrie – réouverture de l’aéroport de Damas – incendies majeures autour de Lattaquié et sur toute la côte syrienne – conférence à Berne “Souveraineté […]

Zionist War on Palestinian Festival in Rome is Ominous Sign of Things to Come 

Co-Written by Romana Rubeo & Ramzy Baroud A Zionist-led war on a Palestinian cultural festival in Rome has exposed the fragility of the Italian political system when it comes to the conversation on Palestine and Israel. The sad truth is that, although Italy is not often associated with a ‘powerful’ pro-Israel lobby as is the case in Washington, the pro-Israel[Read More...]

Trump Has Allies Abroad-- Mostly From Enemies Of Democracy

  Trump isn't generally admired around the world. In fact, he appears to be the most unliked American president in any of our lifetimes-- both by ordinary citizens and by most democratic governments. Just 6% of Danes, for example, want him to win reelection. With a still active fascist movement, Italians are the only people in Western Europe who back Trump with any strength at all-- and it's just 20%.

Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh – Is Israel Planning A New War On Gaza Or Lebanon?

Welcome to Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh. In this show Robert dives into some of the most important foreign policy discussions of today while highlighting the most important information – primarily that which is missed, excluded or misrepresented by the MSM. This video was CENSORED by YouTube within hours of being posted. No strike, no Read More...