
Suite à la décapitation du PROF d'Histoire : Dissolution d'associations "islamistes" prévues ; le collectif Cheikh Yassine est dissous

Islamisme radical : Dissolution du collectif Cheikh Yassine •20 oct. 2020 CNEWS : "C'est l'un des fondateurs du Hamas tué par l'armée israélienne en 2004 qui a donné son nom au collectif créé la même année : Cheikh Yassine. Ce collectif pro-palestiniens connu des services de renseignement, est une association française loi 1901. L'action du collectif est centrée sur la défense des intérêts islamistes radicaux en France et la lutte contre Israël et les organisations (...)


European hypocrisy: empty words for Palestine, deadly weapons for Israel

By Ramzy Baroud | MEMO | October 20, 2020 In theory, Europe and the United States stand on completely opposite sides when it comes to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. While the US government has fully embraced the tragic status quo created by 53 years of Israeli military occupation, the EU continues to advocate a […]

We have lived to see Arabs enter Al-Aqsa under Israeli protection

By Abdullah Al-Majali | MEMO | October 19, 2020 We have lived to see Arabs enter Al-Aqsa Mosque under Israeli protection. It is shameful. Is there any real difference between an Arab delegation visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque under Israeli protection and hordes of extremist Israeli settlers whose incursions and practice of Talmudic rituals there take place […]

Israeli occupation authority seizes vast West Bank areas after declaring them nature reserves

Palestine Information Center – October 19, 2020 RAMALLAH – The Palestinian Environment Quality Authority has said that the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has imposed its control over 36 areas in the West Bank under the pretext of nature reserves. Senior official of the authority Issa Mousa told Voice of Palestine radio that there are many […]

Macron’s Hypocrisy Is Typical of the Subservience to Israel By Most Western Leaders and Mainstream Media

By William Hanna | October 19, 2020 “The term does not necessarily signify mass killings . . . more often [genocide] refers to a coordinated plan aimed at destruction of the essential foundations of the life of national groups so that these groups wither and die like plants that have suffered a blight. The end may […]

95% of Bahrainis against normalization deal with Israel: Opposition tells UN

Press TV – October 18, 2020 Bahrain’s largest opposition group calls on the United Nations to intervene in the kingdom’s unbridled push to deepen its relations with the Israeli regime, saying the move falls short of the general population’s consent. The Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society released the statement on Sunday, as the two sides are […]