
Bolivia calls to investigate OAS for fraud and coup: Interview with Evo’s Foreign Minister Diego Pary

The Grayzone briefly spoke with Bolivia’s former foreign minister under Evo Morales, Diego Pary Rodríguez. He called for an investigation into the OAS for fraud and backing a coup, rejected Juan Guaidó, and expressed solidarity with Palestine. By Anya Parampil and Ben Norton We spoke with Bolivia's former foreign minister under Evo Morales, Diego Pary. He called for an investigation into the OAS for fraud and backing a coup, rejected Juan Guaidó, and expressed solidarity with Palestine. Interview by @AnyaParampil […]

What does Israel have against Palestinian singer, Mohammed Assaf?

By Ramzy Baroud | MEMO | October 27, 2020 Why does Israel hate Palestinian singer, Mohammed Assaf? On October 16, Avi Dichter, Israeli Member of Parliament from the right-wing Likud Party, announced that Assaf’s special permit to enter the occupied Palestinian West Bank would be revoked. Assaf, originally from Gaza, now lives with his family […]

Britain’s Labour Party reprimands MP for occupation ‘crime’ comment

MEMO | October 26, 2020 Labour Party MP Stephen Kinnock has reportedly been given a “dressing down” after saying that profiting from illegal settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank is “tantamount to profiting from the proceeds of crime.” Party leader Keir Starmer was said to be furious at Kinnock’s impassioned speech calling for international law […]

Palestinian Teenager Dies after Being Beaten by Israeli Soldiers

Amer Abdul-Rahim Snobar, 18, was beaten to death by Israeli soldiers. (Photo: via Social Media) Palestine Chronicle | October 25, 2020 A Palestinian teenager was killed early Sunday after he was severely beaten by Israeli occupation soldiers near the village of Turmus-Ayya, near Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, according to Palestinian security and medical […]

Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh – Palestinian Political Prisoners

Welcome to Foreign Policy with Robert Inlakesh. In this show Robert dives into some of the most important foreign policy discussions of today while highlighting the most important information – primarily that which is missed, excluded or misrepresented by the MSM. Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated: (3FSozj9gQ1UniHvEiRmkPnXzHSVMc68U9f)  

US federal court grants pro-Palestinian American group legal victory in terrorism case

MEMO | October 21, 2020 Pro-Palestinian groups in America have won a famous victory after a three-year legal battle against a lawsuit holding them responsible for an act of terrorism carried out in 1996. A federal court ruled that American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and Americans for Justice in Palestine (AJP) are not liable for […]

UAE, Bahrain, Israel ‘Abraham Accords’ should be renamed ‘Benjamin Accords’

By Robert Inlakesh – Press TV – October 22, 2020 The first UAE delegation, since the signing of its infamous normalization deal, traveled to Ben-Gurion airport yesterday, in order to secure trade deals with Israel. Amongst deals regarding travel between the two sides and a pipeline deal, Israel, the US and the UAE also agreed […]

European Hypocrisy: Empty Words for Palestine, Deadly Weapons for Israel

In theory, Europe and the United States stand on completely opposite sides when it comes to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. While the US government has fully embraced the tragic status quo created by 53 years of Israeli military occupation, the EU continues to advocate a negotiated settlement that is predicated on respect for international law. In practice, however, despite[Read More...]

European Hypocrisy: Empty Words for Palestine, Deadly Weapons for Israel

In theory, Europe and the United States stand on completely opposite sides when it comes to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. While the US government has fully embraced the tragic status quo created by 53 years of Israeli military occupation, the EU continues to advocate a negotiated settlement that is predicated on respect for international […]