
Muslim Tufts University Dental Student Forced to Renounce Palestinian Cause to Get Off Jewish Blacklist

By Eric Striker | National Justice | March 12, 2021 An Arab-American once active in Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has been intimidated by Jews into renouncing his beliefs. Adam Elayan, who is a dental student at Tufts University, found himself on the infamous Canary Mission blacklist over Tweets supporting the Palestinian cause many […]

Canada has taken ‘no actions’ to incriminate Israel over shooting Canadian journalist

Press TV – March 13, 2021 A Canadian rights advocacy organization has revealed that the country’s government declined to hold to account the Israeli regime for the 2015 shooting of a Canadian journalist photographer in the occupied West Bank, denouncing Ottawa’s inaction as “shocking” and calling on the government to impose sanctions against Tel Aviv […]

Biden’s brand of democracy isolates the Palestinians

By Ramona Wadi | MEMO | March 11, 2021 Israel is reportedly concerned that US President Joe Biden will prioritise human rights over traditional allegiances in the Middle East. With a policy shift that departs from the Trump administration’s belligerence, Biden is attempting to bring Washington in line with the human rights rhetoric favoured within the international […]

Elections under Fire: Palestine’s Impossible Democracy Dilemma  

Many Palestinian intellectuals and political analysts find themselves in the unenviable position of having to declare a stance on whether they support or reject upcoming Palestinian elections which are scheduled for May 22 and July 30. But there are no easy answers. The long-awaited decree by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas last January to hold […]

Palestinian Elections Under Fire: An Impossible Democracy Dilemma

Between the nightly raids and crackdowns by the Israeli military and the political intrigues within the divided Fatah movement, one wonders if the elections, if they take place, will finally allow Palestinians to mount a united front in the struggle against Israeli occupation.
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Elections under Fire: Palestine’s Impossible Democracy Dilemma

Many Palestinian intellectuals and political analysts find themselves in the unenviable position of having to declare a stance on whether they support or reject upcoming Palestinian elections which are scheduled for May 22 and July 30. But there are no easy answers. The long-awaited decree by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas last January to hold legislative and presidential elections in[Read More...]

“We Claim Responsibility for the Political Decisions of our Young Son, and our Decision is — NO!”

Lee Camp (left) and Sivan Tal — captured from Moment of Clarity There is a “crack in the veneer that Israel can just oppress and destroy Palestinian lives forever” is how Lee Camp sums up after interviewing Sivan Tal in Moment of Clarity about the latter’s decision (along with his wife Dori) to refuse to allow his son to be conscripted in the[Read More...]

Palestinians are warning that Israel intends to grant citizenship to Jerusalemites

By Dr Adnan Abu Amer | MEMO | March 9, 2021 In recent weeks, Israel has circulated reports that tens of thousands of Palestinians residing in occupied Jerusalem may obtain Israeli citizenship, even though there are 330,000 of them in the eastern part of the city. The Israeli Interior Ministry has published guidelines to apply […]

Decolonizing Palestine – Hamas Between the Anticolonial and the Postcolonial

Decolonizing Palestine – Hamas Between the Anticolonial and the Postcolonial. Somdeep Sen. Cornell University Press, New York. 2020. A book that has a very narrowly defined title often fails to look at the larger context, either regional or global. In “Decolonizing Palestine – Hamas Between the Anticolonial and the Postcolonial” Somdeep Sen succeeds surprisingly well in placing the struggles of[Read More...]

Broadbent Institute Head smears Ashton, Robinson and Internationalism

Broadbent Institute head Rick Smith should just be frank and say he hates Palestinians and doesn’t care about internationalism. On Tuesday Smith tweeted that it was disturbing that NDP MP Niki Ashton was doing an upcoming fundraiser for the Progressive International with former British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. In response to former NDP MP […]