Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)

Is this Palestine’s Last Chance?

Ever since I began taking an interest in the Palestinians’ struggle – nearly ten years ago – those brave people have been cursed with rubbish leadership that has taken them steadily backwards instead of forwards… leadership that studiously ignores Palestine’s friends outside, fails its people inside and allows its territory and resources to dwindle.
Western Christendom is afflicted with similar misfortune. Corrupted leaders don’t lift a finger to stop the Holy Land, which is central to the beliefs of most of their people, from being smashed, grabbed and bloodied.

PA security forces working for the Zionist project, choking the resistance in Palestine

 Palestinian security forces fire tear gas towards Palestinian stone throwing demonstrators as they block them from heading towards an Israeli check point in the center of the West Bank town of Hebron on August 22, 2014, durung clashes following a protest to show support for Palestinian militants fighting against the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip.