
Popes, Protestants, Palamas & Philosophy: Jay Dyer on GlobalStoryline

Dean Arnold invited me back to Global Storyline discuss Eastern theology more in-depth in relation to the foundations that divide – from filioque to St. Gregory Palamas, to the issues of Augustine and Aquinas, we investigate the theological and philosophical issues that led to the reformation, enlightenment and western atheism.

JaysAnalysis w/Fr Moody: Orthodox Theology, Roman Catholicism, Thomism & Palamas

This is the free first hour, while the full interview is for paid subscribers.  To hear the full interview, subscribe here for 4.95 a month with access to the archives.   Note: There was a technical issue in terms of sound for the first 20 minutes, but this gets corrected. Fr. Chris Moody is a Greek Orthodox Chaplain for the Army whose scholarly focus is the works of St.