
I Am That I Am, Essence-Energy, St. Athanasius & Wandering Bishop Sedevacantist Cults – Jay Dyer

I will be covering the ridiculous accusation that St Athanasius taught absolute divine simplicity as illustrated from the definitive Fr Florovsky paper on the subject, analyzing De Decretis, and looking again at the theophanies and how Triadology developed from St Athanasius to St Basil in letters 38 and 234, to St Maximos and the 6th Council, into St. John of Damascus and the Confession of St. Sophronius and into the medieval Orthodox councils that define eternal manifestation as binding and how this is admitted in the Vatican Clarification on the Filioque.

The Essence-Energy Distinction, St. Gregory Palamas & The Triads – Jay Dyer Live 9PM EST Sunday (Half)

Stream rescheduled due to technical issues: Sunday night, 9PM EST
A review of the debate with Dr. Feingold and a talk on the Triads of St. Gregory Palamas and aspects of other fathers and dogma on God’s nature. The second half of the talk will be available for paid subscribers to JaysAnalysis at the PayPal links at for 4.95 a month or 60.00 a year.

Debating Thomism & Roman Catholic Absolute Simplicity: Jay Dyer Vs. Dr. Francis Feingold

The debate will be 2PM EST
Dr. Feingold is Assistant Professor Of Philosophy at St. Patrick’s Seminary and University, with a specialty in medieval philosophy (esp. Aquinas), metaphysics (esp. philosophy of God), ethics (esp. moral psychology). Areas of competence: Ancient philosophy, modern philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and free will. We will be debating whether the Thomistic and Roman Dogma of absolute divine simplicity is true.

Symbolism & Mystical Typology of Exodus Pt. 2 – Jay Dyer (Half)

Picking back up in Exodus, we investigate the typology and symbolism of Exodus, which points directly to the coming of the Messiah in the figure of Christ. Dreaded by all liberals and modernists, the Torah is absolutely the inspired and inerrant the Law and Word of God.
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Eastern & Latin Theology & The Essence – Energy Distinction – Jay Dyer

What are the central differences between Latin and Eastern theology? Is there are common thread of difference that gives rise to two different approaches to divinity, knowledge, revelation and eschatology? Yes, I argue. I discuss Augustine, Aquinas, absolute divine simplicity as borrowed from Aristotle and Plato, the Logos, the Greek triad, I Am as “pure being,” Anselm, the analogia entis/chain of being, apophatic theology, theosis, created grace, divine energies, divine ideas, and the supposed ‘beatific vision.’

Roman Catholic Dogmatic Absolute Divine Simplicity is Heretical – Jay Dyer

Moses saw and communed with a Personal God, not a created light and not a generic essence.
“When God was conversing with Moses, He did not say, “I am the essence”, but “I am the One Who is.” Thus it is not the One Who is who derives from the essence, but essence which derives from Him, for it is He who contains all being in Himself.” -St. Gregory Palamas, Triads in Defense of the Holy Hesychasts, III.ii.12
By: Jay Dyer