
The Philly Suburbs Can Stop Trump AND Make Congress More Progressive And More Productive

I woke up yesterday to the news that Bob Dylan had won the Nobel Prize for Literature and that the Trump campaign, looking at it's internal polling numbers in Virginia-- numbers that show Clinton far ahead of him with the gap growing-- decided to end their efforts in the state entirely withdrawing all resources, including scheduled advertising.

Pelosi And Her DCCC Won't, But Hillary Hit The Campaign Trail In Pennsylvania To Help Mary Ellen Balchunis Win A House Seat

As we've explained before, political science professor Mary Ellen Balchunis is just too progressive for Steve Israel (Blue Dog-NY), Denny Heck (New Dem-WA), Cheri Bustos (Blue Dog-IL), Ben Ray Lujan (DCCC chair) and crazy old lady Nancy Pelosi who used to be from San Francisco and now represents some alternative universe.

Pennsylvania. Needs. Women.

2 women in CongressThere are 435 members of Congress serving in the House and 100 Senators. In theory, there should be 218 women in the House and 50 women in the Senate. Right now there are 20 women in the Senate, an all-time high, and 84 women in the House. There are 84 women in the House, not 218, 62 of them Democrats and 22 of them Republicans. Slowly, slowly, slowly equality is coming to Congress.

Does The Democratic Party Still Stand For Working Families? That Depends How You Define "Democratic Party"

Many of us are watching the clock tick down to November 8, election day. But millions of American workers have their eyes set a few weeks further down the calendar to December 1 when a Department of Labor rule kicks in that will double the salary threshold-- from from $23,660 to $47,476-- at which workers get overtime pay for overtime work.

Holding Down The Price Of Life-Saving Drugs-- Hillary's For It... The GOP Is NOT

I've been a big Clinton detractor and I don't plan to vote for her in November. That said, it's important to recognize the difference between her approach to the runaway prices of pharmaceuticals and Trump's approach. Trump doesn't seem intellectually capable of understanding the problem beyond a single incident and his "team" is ideologically bogged down to the extent of incapacity to recognize the systemic problem of monopoly.

Why Can't The DCCC Win-- Even When Districts Are Handed To Them On Silver Platters?

Losers, dragging the House Dems down with themPolling results showing Hillary leading Mr. Trumpanzee in the Philly suburbs are stunning. Those suburbs are considered among the most swingy districts in the country but she's ahead of him by 40 points! So you'd like even the DCCC-- as lame and incompetent as it is-- could win the 3 districts that make up those 'burbs, right?

If The DCCC Continues Boycotting Progressives And Sabotaging Their Campaigns, Why Play Along With "Party Unity?"

On April 26, Pennsylvania held their presidential and congressional primaries. One of the hottest Democratic primaries was in the extreme southeast of the state, PA-07-- parts of Delaware, Chester, Montgomery and Berks counties, Joe Sestak's old district, currently held by 3-term, garden variety Republican Pat Meehan.

Who's All In For Party Unity?

When the PA-07 progressive Mary Ellen Balchunis-- endorsed by every Democratic party organ and institutional ally in southeast Pennsylvania-- smashed the DCCC recruit who they had helped raise money and run a campaign, even adding him to their Red to Blue program, the DCCC responded by abandoning the district to GOP incumbent Pat Meehan and taking the district off the map.