
Could Poor Sleep Habits Be Making You Fat?

Can sleep apnea have an effect on your weight? Research reveals that this is likely the case.
Lack of sleep is intrinsically tied with weight gain, with many nutritionists recommending an adequate amount of sleep if you want to lose weight, along with a proper diet and exercise.
However, those who have sleep apnea don’t simply get the luxury of having a good night’s sleep. The condition can cause someone to stop breathing, as many as 30 times per hour, which clearly interferes with the quality of sleep people are getting. [1]

Study: WHEN You Eat is as Important as WHAT You Eat

The body seems to run like a well-oiled machine when people listen to their internal clocks. For example, the body “prefers” sleeping at night instead of during the day, and working during the day instead of at night.
The same is true when it comes to eating patterns, say researchers. When a person eats may be just as important as when they sleep.

First Russia Bans GMOs, Now a Junk Food Tax Could be Next

Californians and Russians must think alike. The U.S. state recently considered reinstating a soda tax, and now Russian government officials are thinking of adding soda, potato chips, and palm oil to a list of excisable goods. The measure would be part of a plan to promote a healthier diet for Russians as well as boost tax revenues.

American Prescription Drug use more than Doubles

More Americans take prescription medications than ever before – nearly 60% – and obesity could be to blame.
A new study published in JAMA shows that the number of people taking prescription drugs increased from 51% of the adult population in 1999 to 59% in 2011. Cholesterol and blood pressure drugs are the most-used medications in the U.S. [1]