
Climate Change: SOS for Humanity’s Survival

Unless one lives in the alternate reality of religious beliefs, it has become impossible to deny and ignore a simple fact: very soon, perhaps within only two decades, humans will join the crowded groups of endangered species. While polar bears, lions, and elephants are solely the victims of men’s cruel and reckless stupidity, humans are collectively both the perpetrators and the ultimate victims of a self-inflicted mass genocide.

The Population Boom Could Save the World

The common thought among young people is that our rocketing population growth is going to overpopulate the earth. But given the number of people in poverty, it looks like population growth is actually good for poverty – more people means more brains, which means more ideas, inventions, and innovations.
This week on Words and Numbers, Antony Davies and James R. Harrigan talk about how and why the world is improving despite widespread negativity towards the idea of a growing world population, and why that negativity persists regardless of the prosperity we see every day.

Interview 1107 – Pierre Desrochers Explains the Bet of the Century

[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-11-05%20Pierre%20Desrochers.mp3"][/audio]In 1980 economist Julian Simon bet biologist Paul Ehrlich that the price of five commodity metals would decrease over the next 10 years. Today on the program Pierre Desrochers of the University of Toronto Mississauga joins us to explain how the bet came about, who won, and what was really at stake.

Interview 1028 – Financial Survival: From Malthus to Depopulation

[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-04-16%20Financial%20Survival.mp3"][/audio]James and Alfred discuss the energy industry, from nuclear and coal to wind and solar, and how its development is controlled by the money powers. We also discuss Malthusian overpopulation propaganda and how it masks a much bigger depopulation agenda.