
Kim Eriksen - Population Replacement in Denmark: Can Those Responsible Be Tried for Treason? - Hour 1

Kim Eriksen from Denmark joins Henrik to talk about how those responsible for population replacement in Denmark could be tried for treason.
Eriksen has a bachelor in Mathematics and Music. Kim works as a pianist in Denmark and is married with 3 children. He is the founder of landsforraederi.dk (still under construction) and is seeking to bring awareness to a law instituted to hold treasonous representatives accountable. Could such a law be used against those Danish representatives that are responsible for the ongoing population replacement in Denmark?

Does Humanity Deserve to Be Extinct?

Time is up! All humans, men and women, are guilty as charged! Guilty of abusing other species and the natural world we depend on; guilty, either by greed or ignorance, of abusing other species that sustain our own and driving them to expedient extinction. Wild life, big and small, is briskly moving towards a vanishing point. From the seas to the land and the skies, the global species disappearing act has reached a catastrophic and probably unstoppable momentum.

Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan

Renowned scientist Paul Ehrlich has been in the public spotlight for half a century now. But there’s a question at the heart of the story of Ehrlich’s unlikely rise to prominence. A question that must be answered. Why is it that this entomologist has become such a superstar of science, received so many accolades and awards, and wielded such influence over the public conversation on population despite being so remarkably, consistently, staggeringly wrong about the issues he presumes to lecture the public on?

Egyptian Government Sees Population ​Growth as ‘Catastrophic’

Egypt is the Arab world’s most populous country, with 96 million inhabitants, which is expected to reach 119 million in 2030. Egypt is mostly uninhabitable desert, so people are concentrated near the Nile. Many ​Egyptians view children as caretakers for their parents in old age. Poor families view children as sources of income. The standard of living is declining,​ and the government is promoting the slogan "two is enough." [...]

Forget Fear of Overpopulation. ​ Half the World​’s Population Groups Are Declining

The UN estimates that almost half of the world's population lives in countries with below replacement fertility rates. The main clusters of low fertility generally ​are found in advanced and industrialized regions. The big story here is that all the hand-wringing over an overcrowded future planet is scientifically unfounded. If the current trend continues, it is even possible that mankind soon will be worried about population shrinkage and underproduction.

NBC​ Agrees That Having a Child ‘Is One of the Worst Things You Can Do for the Environment’

NBC News Think, published an essay by bioethicist, Travis Rieder who alleges that having children is bad for the environment and morally suspect. Why? Because it supposedly causes global warming and puts unsustainable demands on global resources. [Once again, mainstream is seen promoting the collectivist agenda.] [...]