
In A Trumpf Regime, Will You Be A Thought Criminal?

A few days ago, we mentioned in passing that fans of Herr Trumpf are "looking for a fuehrer, a caudillo... end of story." It isn't the first time we've attributed Trumpf's rise in popularity-- despite his obvious short-comings-- to this need for a powerful daddy figure among-- I hate to say it-- life's losers. Buffeted by economic and cultural stresses, utterly brainwashed by the twisted faux-reality of Hate Talk Radio and Fox News, millions of Americans are ready to give up on democracy.

We Need Privacy From Big Brother, Not Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush And Chris Christie Sprying On Us

Several of the GOP's Deep Bench were on the network gasbag shows yesterday advocating doing away with whatever small amount of constitutional authority to prevent domestic spying on American citizens is still left. After all, they argued passionately, we're in mortal danger from evil Eurasia, I mean evil Eastasia... oops... no, no... ISIL or ISIS.