
A Clockwork Orange & MK Ultra – Jay Dyer’s Analysis

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By: Jay Dyer
Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of Anthony Burgess’ dystopian novel A Clockwork Orange was definitely due for a full treatment – a full Ludovico Treatment!  I last watched the film some six or seven years ago and, while I knew there were obvious “MK Ultra” themes, there was much I missed.  The same happens with literature too, depending on the phase and time in your life.  Being much more grounded these years later, I am surprised at how much I missed (isn’t that always the case?).

Le Decodex fait une première victime : Olivier Berruyer, du blog les-crises.fr

Georges Orwell, l’auteur du livre « 1984 », peut être fier d’avoir vu plutôt juste dans son célèbre roman d’anticipation. Les annonces des gros médias et des géants du web se succèdent ces derniers mois, dévoilant à chaque fois de nouveaux outils pour contrôler encore un peu plus l’information sur Internet.

10 Orwellian Moments Found in the Newly Leaked Private NSA Newsletters

(ANTIMEDIA) The Intercept recently began releasing batches of top secret internal newsletters from the most important division of the NSA, the Signals Intelligence Directorate, or SIGINT. This is basically the spy division. The internal newsletter, SIDtoday, was never meant to be read by anyone outside of the agency, but it trickled out with the Snowden leak and has been waiting for proper publication. The Intercept will release nine years worth of articles in batches.

5 Ways George Orwell’s 1984 Has Come True Since It Was Published 67 Years Ago

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — It’s debatable whether George Orwell surmised the ominous threat of totalitarianism that inspired him to pen the dystopic vision, 1984, would extend worldwide and resurface nearly seven decades after its publication. But the novel’s apt description of a world on end have undoubtedly come to pass.