
Jonathan Pageau: Iconography & The Reality of Symbols – Jay Dyer

It’s been a longtime coming: Iconographer, carver and YouTuber Jonathan Pageau joins me to discuss the importance of icon writing and their meaning. For Orthodoxy, icons are not merely religious art, but windows to heaven itself. The icon presents us with the archetypal reality, without diminishing the incarnational reality that Christ, our True Protoype, revealed […]

Open Forum Q n A & DEBATE! Atheists, Roman Catholics, Muslims & Pagans! -Jay Dyer

 Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A chat: Open forum means atheists, Muslims, pagans, Non-Chalcedonians, Protestants and evangelicals, etc., can come on the discord and ask live questions or raise questions via superchats (through Streamlabs now) relating to any of the issues or TAG, etc. Come join us! Live at […]

Orthodox Christian Priest gives 12,381 reasons to not be vaccinated [Video]

Father Peter Heers has been one of the most successful Orthodox Christian clerics to speak out strongly and forcefully against the use of COVID-19 vaccines. He is able to successfully communicate the multitude of warnings and prophecies that have been in existence for many years that appear to point directly at the COVID crisis. In […]

Secrets of the Renaissance: The Russian Connection & Symbolic Analysis – Fr Vladimir Kaydanov

 Fr. Vladimir Kaydanov joins me to cover the little known history that connects Byzantium, the Renaissance and Russia in a fascinating providential tale that needs to be told. Fr Vladimir’s focus is geometric analysis of Renaissance works, as well as the historical connection to fascinating planned cities like St. Petersburg, Russia. Fr Vladimir weaves […]

At least SOME Orthodox Church leaders are repenting [Video]

This is an “Open Letter” from a group of Eastern Orthodox clergy and monastics and laity who got wise to the COVID-19 deceptions. Let’s get right to it. Open Letter: TO OUR BELOVED HIERARCHS, BROTHER CONCELEBRANTS, AND OUR FAITHFUL FLOCKS From the Burning Bush Brotherhood TO OUR BELOVED HIERARCHS, BROTHER CONCELEBRANTS, AND OUR FAITHFUL FLOCKS, […]

Enlightenment Liberalism, Social Engineering & Behavioral Modification – Jay Dyer

Jay Dyer joins The Philosophical Minds Podcast to talk Psychological Warfare, Social Engineering & Behavioral Modification as well as enlightenment political theory and its weaknesses.   Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop!   

Debate! Byzantine Catholic Apologist “Benito” Vs Jay Dyer: Councils & The Pope & More

Today we will open up the discord for debate and Q n A for pagans, atheists, Roman Catholics, Muslims, etc. to come and offer their objections. Today a pagan showed up in the first few minutes for discussion and then deeper theological and philosophical issues of Actus Purus & modal collapse, then universals in Thomism. Then […]

Deformation: A Response to Calvinism Vs. Orthodoxy: Jay Dyer, Fr Dcn, Sam Shamoun

 YouTuber “Vocab Malone” has launched a series of basic Calvinist attacks on Orthodoxy the past few weeks based on overly simplistic and misrepresentations of our position.  We will be responding on Sam Shamoun’s channel with Fr Dcn Ananias to show the reformation was in fact a deformation and the bad-willed approach of Malone is […]