Orlando Shooting

ORLANDO MASSACRE Narrative Riddled With Problems: And Police Say They Shot Some of the Victims…

This is a brief addendum to my post on Monday about the Orlando Massacre narrative: because subsequent oddities and inconsistencies in the story keep cropping up. I said on Monday that the story doesn’t add up; well it’s adding up even less now. Too many things have appeared in the media or online for me […]

Jimmy Fallon’s Response to the Orlando Shooting That Needs to Go Viral

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — “This country was built on an idea that we don’t agree on everything; that we are a tolerant, free nation that encourages debate, free-thinking, believing, or not, in what you choose,” host Jimmy Fallon said of the Orlando mass shooting during the Tonight Show on Monday.
Fallon’s beautifully understated monologue casts off the blanket of vitriolic division that uncomfortably settled into every conceivable angle of discussion following the slaughter of 50 people at Pulse nightclub on Sunday.

Here’s What the FBI Was Doing Instead of Catching the Orlando Shooter

(ANTIMEDIA) After the most recent mass shooting in Orlando, Florida — the worst in U.S. history — one might ask how the FBI was able to investigate the perpetrator, twice, without deciding to take any further action. This question is further confounded by the fact the perpetrator was, according to his wife, an abusive, unstable man suffering from bipolar disorder.

The ORLANDO MASSACRE: Why You Should Seriously Doubt the Official Story…

I’m not going to spend too long on this; as I’ve said before, I’m getting tired of this whole subject area. Firstly, everyone who was killed, injured or traumatised by the attack in Orlando were innocent victims who deserved better – and who also deserve better than to be turned into a propaganda tool by […]