Original Peoples

Justice on Horizon for Original Peoples of Canada?

After centuries of Indigenous resistance, a breakthrough in obtaining justice for Indigenous peoples may be edging closer. A human rights organ of the Organization of American States — The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) — has adopted as a case the petition brought by a Lil’wat mother, Loni Edmonds, against Canada.

Alberta Oilsands Projects

Canadian rock legend Neil Young has taken to the road with a mission. Sunday night, he laid down the gauntlet on national TV, calling the Canadian government “completely out of control” as he began his “Honour the Treaties” tour in Toronto. His goal is to help First Nations in their fight against the expanding oilsands projects in Alberta. To the government, “Money is number one. Integrity isn’t even on the map.”

How Indigenous Mexicans Stood up against NAFTA “Death Sentence”

On the same day North American Free Trade Agreement went into effect on January 1, 1994, the Zapatista National Liberation Army and people of Chiapas declared war on the Mexican government, saying that NAFTA meant death to indigenous peoples. They took over five major towns in Chiapas with fully armed women and men. The uprising was a shock, even for those who for years worked in the very communities where the rebel army had been secretly organizing.