Original Peoples

Olympics: Tribe Facing “Genocide” Defies Ranchers after Baby’s Death

The Guarani have a deep sense of connection to their land, but have seen most of it stolen and destroyed by intensive agriculture. © Fiona Watson/SurvivalOn the eve of the Olympics, a tribe in Brazil has made a powerful statement to the ranchers who are destroying their land and subjecting them to genocidal violence and racism.

Election Time Blues for Clones

Voters have just elected a coalition of men and women to govern Australia for the next four years after a long drawn-out and insipid election campaign. A collection of almost equally conservative men and women lost the chance to govern by the proverbial whisker. The election campaign was a protracted affair running over six weeks. The outcome was protracted uncertainty, with observers vaunting fanfare for one side while consigning the other to feculent ignobility… imaginings of gladiatorial heft were strictly in the eyes of the beholding pundits.

A Red Menace in the Mirror

In mid-August of 1948, sweltering summer heat was largely negated by high pressure and the frigid winds of Cold War.  The Second War to End All Wars still smoldered in the recent past, while the witch hunt of McCarthyism loomed on the near horizon.  Of course, I knew nothing of this, having only recently earned a birth certificate and U.S. Citizenship as a reward for successfully negotiating Mom’s birth canal, and taking my first breath in America’s Heartland.