
Could This New ‘Organic Ready’ Corn Help End Monsanto?

In the world of Round Up Ready corn and other genetically modified crops, we’re in dire need of another ‘solution.’ Frank Kutka has been working on ‘Organic Ready’ corn for over 15 years as an all-around answer to biotech’s cancer causing crops.
Kutka is a plant breeder who has been attempting to grow corn that naturally resists GM crop contamination through cross-pollination, thus eliminating Monsanto’s prevalently grown GMO corn from infesting organic farmer’s crops.

Are Aquaponics and Hydroponics Better than Organic?

One of the most recent decisions made by US Department of Agriculture has been branded as controversial and led to numerous disputes and arguments. The USDA decided to give an organic label to produce that is grown in controlled, water-based environments. The decision to label aquaponics and hydroponics as organic has angered a lot of people.

The Home of the Red Sox Just Went Organic

Is there anything more quintessentially American in the eyes of the world than baseball and Apple Pie? Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox, has made way for a new ‘American Dream’ with a roof top garden bursting with organic produce. Hopefully this will become the real American look.
Fenway Farms in Boston proper will provide organically-grown food for menu items at the EMC Club, operated by Aramark Corp., which oversees the food concessions in the park. Everything from arugula and spinach to organic herbs will be grown for game-goers.

Amy’s Kitchen to Launch First Non-GMO, Organic Drive-Thru

As McDonald’s continues to lose money each month as millions reject its GMO-loaded fast food, a company called Amy’s Kitchen is making an awesome move towards making real food more accessible than ever before. The company is launching the first 100% non-GMO, organic-based drive-thru that will offer a host of locally sourced meals.

Class Action Suit: Major ‘Organic’ Baby Formula Isn’t Organic

Just how desperate are Big Food companies to get in on the burgeoning organic market? It seems that they are desperate enough to lie about their ingredients – even in baby formula.
Plaintiffs are seeking over $5 million in damages from the well-known baby formula maker, Abbot Laboratories (who makes Similac) for labeling one of their formulas as organic when it is anything but organic.

How to Grow Your Own Organic Food with ‘Additive Intercropping’

Some of my early, organic urban gardening attempts resulted in wilted produce, eaten alive by aphids and other pesky bugs, and I almost gave up growing one of my favorite greens altogether – lettuce. But there are fairly simple techniques any gardener can utilize to survive these woes and create a stellar organic garden – something called additive intercropping is one of those techniques.

5 Surprising Ways to Use Recycled ‘Garbage’ for a Better Organic Garden

Growing your own organic food is extremely gratifying, but adding recycling to the mix is like winning the lottery two days in a row. When you mix the self-sustaining practice of growing your own food with the environmentally supporting habit of recycling, you are helping the world two-fold, and you get some tasty offerings in the process.
Here are 5 ways to incorporate recycling into your gardening habit:

Video: What happens When a Family Eats Only Organic for Two Weeks

As said by Dr. Jesse Henley, pesticides kill pests by damaging their cellular structure. Though pesticides, fungicides, growth regulators, and herbicides were meant to control how a plant grows, there is no doubt that they affect us too – and we are using more pesticides and herbicides than ever.
Strangely, these chemicals aren’t destroying pests – they are likely destroying us.