oregon standoff

On The Truth Traveler w/ Erin Dakins

I was a guest this past Wednesday evening on The Truth Traveler with Erin Dakins, which broadcasts on GCN. We discussed the war on Whites as well as the on-going #OregonStandoff.

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Oregon Governor Says Feds ‘Must Act’ Against Protesters and Armed Groups in Burns

21st Century Wire says…
So far, after nearly 20 days of protests near Burns, Oregon, there’s been no one hurt or injured, but it seems the state’s chief executive is keen to change that result.
According to reports today, Oregon Governor Kate Brown told a news conference hat federal officials, “must move quickly to end the occupation and hold all of the wrongdoers accountable.”

Ron Paul on Burns Oregon Standoff and Jury Nullification for the Hammond Family

21st Century Wire says…
If you’ve been following the protest and federal standoff outside of Burns, Oregon, you’ll have seen 99% of the news coverage has been about the presence of ‘armed militia’ and endless rumors of FBI ‘Waco Siege’ plots – and not about the core legal issues surrounding the Hammond family.