
Hooked on Orcas

Facts about orcas abound in Colleen Weiler’s brain, because her role is to lead policy research and engagement around what we call the Southern Resident Orcas (SROs).
Her job is with the Plymouth, Massachusetts-based US headquarters of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation non-profit, established 32 years ago in England.

Our name is what we do.

A Rolling Stone Never Collects Moss — Unless it ends up on Oregon’s Coast

It is hoped that the coming generation will recognize that that is probably one of the greatest and most ennobling challenges that face man on this planet today. To be able to break through to understand the thinking, the feeling, the doing, the talking of another species is a grand, noble achievement that will change man’s view of himself and of his planet.

California Bans Breeding Killer Whales and SeaWorld Shows

SeaWorld has long been criticized for its program of breeding killer whales and holding them in captivity. However, a new law signed by California Governor Jerry Brown will now ban the birth of further killer whales in captivity. Whales already in captivity may remain there, but will no longer be allowed to perform “on command.” Instead, so-called educational experiences will replace the live shows. [1]