
Le film Oppenheimer garde le silence sur les premières victimes de l’ère nucléaire

Le film, qui dure trois heures est un drame captivant et une histoire précieuse, mais il fait abstraction des premières victimes de l’ère nucléaire. Source : Responsible Statecraft, Connor EcholsTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Le 16 juillet 1945, ce fut la fin du monde. C’est du moins ce que pensaient les habitants du […]

Do People Change?

Edward Curtin Because there is so much personal anguish, unhappiness, and human mental and physical suffering in the world, many people often wonder how they might personally change to find happiness, contentment, or some elusive something. Or even how to change other people, as if that arrogant illusion could ever work. This question of significant …

Jay Dyer – Tragedy & Hope 7: Cold War PsyOps & the Bomb Almighty

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
We continue the 7th lecture with the rise of the military industrial complex, the Cold War and its massive espionage apparatus, the psychological warfare behind the “bomb almighty,” as well as the real Illuminati again peeking through the pages of Quigley to reveal their faces.  This is one of the most important sections of Tragedy and Hope – a must-listen! 
Youtube Version:

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 7: Cold War Psy Ops & the Bomb Almighty (half)

This is the first half of a full talk which can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal links. We continue the 7th lecture with the rise of the military industrial complex, the Cold War and its massive espionage apparatus, the psychological warfare behind the “bomb almighty,” as well as the real Illuminati again peeking through the pages of Quigley to reveal their faces.  This is one of the most important sections of Tragedy and Hope – a must-listen!