
A Strong Third Political Party is on its Way

History tells us that a Third Party has never been successful. The American Federal system, majority rule, Electoral College, and voter perception that a third alternative serves as a spoiler, hinder the eagerness for a Third Party. The possibility of dividing the Electoral College vote so that no candidate gains the required 270 majority deters […]

Do People Change?

Edward Curtin Because there is so much personal anguish, unhappiness, and human mental and physical suffering in the world, many people often wonder how they might personally change to find happiness, contentment, or some elusive something. Or even how to change other people, as if that arrogant illusion could ever work. This question of significant …

JFK’s World Peace Speech and National Security State Takedowns of US Presidents  

President Kennedy’s World Peace speech on June 10, 1963,where he championed nuclear disarmament and lasting peace with the Soviet Union, is given renewed attention with a Kennedy now running for president and by the present war with Russia. JFK supposedly underwent a transformation after the near mutual nuclear annihilation with the Soviet Union during the […]

Humanity Forsaken

I have written ad nauseam about experts’ predictions of one form or another of Doomsday later this century, less than three generations away.[efn_note]Brumback, G.B. Pp. 150-151. “911!” KDP, 2019.[/efn_note] I have made appeals for super rich people whose wealth was not ill-begotten to fund my comprehensive strategy to end war and human misery while emphasizing that I had no financial interest and would play the role of a non-paid consultant in the background. This brief article shares with readers the deafening and deadening silence that met me.