Operation Terror

Porkins Policy Radio episode 108 Tom Secker on 9/11 Truth, Legacy of Al Qaeda, and Mind Controlled Hijackers

Tom Secker joins me for a discussion of the sixteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. We begin by discussing our general emotions and thoughts on the actual anniversary. We discuss how it unfolds both here in New York and across the ocean in the U.K. Tom and I then discuss how 9/11 has evolved into a heavily scripted and predictable event over the past several years. We touch on how the attack is viewed without context, in terms of what actually happened and what followed it.

Former mayor and film producer, Art Olivier, on having to produce his film on Rachel Corrie in Iran because of Jewish Zionist control of Hollywood

Art Olivier, former mayor, national political candidate and film producer, was interviewed by Iranian PressTV on a recent visit to Iran to produce a film on the late U.S. peace activist, Rachel Corrie, who was killed by an Israeli military bulldozer. He indicated he had to produce it outside of the U.S. because of Jewish […]

Kevin Barrett ironically rushes to Alex Jones’ defense when interviewing Nolan Higdon of Project Censored after previously blasting him in an article

I recently came across this interview of Nolan Higdon of Project Censored on his critique of Alex Jones on the Kevin Barrett Show on October 28, 2013. It is ironic that Barrett rushes to Alex Jones’ defense so much, given that a strong inference can be drawn that Jones was the reason for Barrett and […]

Former Mayor, VP candidate and 9/11 film producer on his film being blocked by a top alternative media outlet

Art Olivier, Former Mayor of Bellflower, California, former Libertarian candidate for Vice-President of the United States and producer of the 9/11 thriller, Operation Terror, spoke about his $100,000 film being blocked by Alex Jones’ media outlet, on the January 21, 2014 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb, with the full audio here. Art […]