Operation Mockingbird

“There is no American Deep State…it just looks like there is”

By Kit | OffGuardian | March 21, 2017 Last week the New Yorker, and yesterday Salon magazine, published editorials arguing against the very existence of an “American Deep State”. The arguments presented are very… interesting. Both are, perhaps, classic cases of protesting too much. Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m convinced. This […]

Wikileaks Vault 7 Release Paints A Grim Picture For Journalism

A journalist is silhouetted as he speaks to a cameraman beside a British military armored vehicle at a NATO summit in Newport, Wales. (AP/Matt Dunham)
MINNEAPOLIS– This past Tuesday saw the biggest shake-up in the tech world since Edward Snowden first revealed the full extent of the National Security Agency’s “dragnet” surveillance program nearly four years ago.

MOCKINGBIRD MIRROR: Declassified Docs Depict Deeper Link Between the CIA and American Media

21st Century Wire says…
Over the past month, more than 12 million declassified documents from the CIA have been reportedly published online. While the intelligence docu-dump supposedly sheds additional light on covert war programs, psychic research and the Cold War era, it also contains more evidence confirming the symbiotic relationship between the CIA and American media. 
In late January the UK’s Guardian reported that the CIA themselves released millions of documents online:

The CIA and deep state have controlled US media and Hollywood for decades

By Adam Garrie | The Duran | February 27, 2017 Many have expressed their shock and horror that the ‘documentary’ on the White Helmets organisation has won the Oscar for Best Documentary. The White Helmets purports to be an aid organisation but has been widely discredited as such. What is more, the organisation has been […]

Fake News Fail: Venezuelan Government Finally Orders Shutdown of CNN for Bogus and Misleading Reports

Deep State TV network and master of fake news, CNN, now being kicked out of countries for spreading twisted propaganda and trying to destabilize societies and governments.
Among the fake news stories being broadcast on CNN in Venezuela have been bogus reports of President Maduro’s Venezuelan government selling illegal passports to Middle East terrorists and other drug traffickers