Omega 6 Fatty Acids

Are Omega-3 Fatty Acids the Key to Preventing Most Disease?

Well, in a way, omega-3-fats could be ‘the new cholesterol.’ It seems as though we hear about omega-3 fats and their apparently never-ending list of benefits so much that many people just roll their eyes whenever they’re mentioned. But some health experts, like Dr William Harris, will freely talk about them as if they are the holy grail of health.

Research Highlights Key Benefits of Choosing Organic Meat, Milk

Like probably many of you, I have friends who have no clue why eating organic is a big deal. Prepare to show this piece to them the next time they laugh at you for spending a little extra on foods that aren’t genetically modified and covered in pesticides.
A new study analyzing data on milk and meat found that the organic varieties contain 50% more omega-3s than the non-organic types.