
The Most Hated-- And Least Fit-- U.S. President Ever?

This was the alternative title I decided not to use: Is Putin Paying Trump To Destroy America's Influence And Leadership Abroad?Trump's unpopularity here in the States has spilled over throughout the free world. (Note: he's still admired in fascist countries). The new Pew Research Center Global Attitudes and Trends survey was released this week shows that our country's global image plummeted since Trump was installed in the White House.

White House Push-Back Against Woodward's Book Is... Pretty Anemic

The Diplomat by Nancy OhanianYou may have noticed that yesterday, Bob Woodward's book leaked and some of Trump's top aides made some very disparaging remarks about his stupidity and his character that make him sound as unfit for any office as many of us suspected all along.Although many of the people Woodward interviewed, like Gary Cohn, Reince Priebus, Rob Porter, John

Trump Loves A Parade

Trump already had his paradeTrump, who apparently never bothered reading the Constitution, wants Mr. Magoo to arrest Omarosa and lock her up. Gee, what a sore loser! So far the idiot has fallen into every Trumpian trap she's et for him and he knows exactly what's coming, just not the order it's coming in. All his advisors and relatives and advisor/relatives told him to ignore Unhinged and her self-serving provocations.

Want To See Trump Impeached?

The Weekly Standard is a neo-con Republican publication founded by News Corp (Rupert Murdoch) in 1995. Many of their top writers are conservative ant-Trumpers. I'll bet some of them were watching Trump's favorite TV show Wednesday morning, Fox and Friends, when Brian Kilmeade explained how Omarosa "out-smarted" the obsessed Trump. Remember, while normal heads of state are dealing with issues of war and peace and issues impacting the lives of their countrymen, Trump is fighting childish twitter wars with random imbeciles like himself.

The Ochelli Effect: Turkey News Economy

The Author of The War State takes questions from listeners and talks about the pressures from other national markets on the U.S. economy. What effect is Trump having on business in general? Is there a silent inflation built into the current situation?
The crazy world of Elon Musk is in the news. What can the crashes of the past tell us about the future?

Fuck-Up, Jr.

Trump has zero credibility. Zero. Omarosa doesn't seems like someone who has much credibility either-- but I don't know for sure. She was just a character on a TV show that Trump dragged into the White House with him-- as much a bad joke-- compliments of Vlad Putin-- as he was. Trump I know for sure. Zero. I'd believe Omarosa over him... cautiously.

Fealty At Trump Realty

Trump is the center of Trump-world. Everything else is just a revolving blip on his giant screen. And you better believe when he hires a cabinet secretary of an FBI head or a judge, he expects that person to remember their fealty to him and him alone. Like when Hitler insisted the German military pledge allegiance to him, not to the nation. This is the original Reichswehreid:

Who's Surprised The White House Is A Dysfunctional, Chaotic Mess?

What Would Freud Do? by Nancy OhanianDid anyone ever think a Trump White House wouldn't be the most dysfunctional hell hole in history? Putin sure made the best bet any Russia leader ever made! Monday morning everyone was talking about Omarosa-- what the fuck is that? Did that ever belong in a United States government?