
Biggest Congressional Upset Of 2018: Kendra Horn From Oklahoma City

Probably the biggest surprise last Tuesday was in Oklahoma City, where Democrat Kendra Horn beat Republican incumbent Steve Russell in a race that virtually no one was following. First of all, everyone agrees that OK-05 is a "safe" Republican district; she will be the first Democrat to represent the district since the 1975.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Trumpiest Of Them All?

Do we need more like this in Congress?Georgia is lousy with white Trumpists-- especially outside the Atlanta Metro, where Hillary did even better than Obama had. Trump won the state's 16 electoral votes 2,089,104 (51.05%) to 1,877,963 (45.89%). Even during the Republican primary, Trump won every single one of Georgia's 159 counties except 4 in the Atlanta Metro plus Clarke County (Athens), all of which were won by Rubio.

People Expect The New EPA Administrator To Be Less Incompetent And Distracted Than Pruitt-- And That's Not A Good Thing

Worse than Pruitt?Yesterday, the New York Times reported that "Scott Pruitt’s brief, tumultuous tenure as the head of the EPA has left him disgraced in the eyes of many in Washington and across the country. But it may not have done him much harm in his home state. Though a comeback for Mr.