
Stupid is As Stupid Does “ Genetically Modified “Self Limiting” Moths Successfully Released?

  Won’t be to far down the road before some of us will be reading about the disastrous affects of this, for profit and believe me this is a for profit only venture. Despite the ‘green’ spin, this is about profit, control and control for profit. And NOTHING else.Round up contaminated everything and it wasn’t supposed to.. Creating superweeds galore.... but believe the company looking to make massive profits when they state this "self limiting moth"  is hunky dory & environmentally friendly.

How a Hidden Parliamentary Session Revealed Trump’s True Motives in Iraq

Since the U.S. killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi militia leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis earlier this month, the official narrative has held that their deaths were necessary to prevent a vague, yet allegedly imminent, threat of violence towards Americans, though President Trump has since claimed whether or not Soleimani or his Iraqi allies posed an imminent threat “doesn’t really matter.”

Syrian Advisor to President Assad Warns of Operations Against US to Regain Syrian Oil

This week, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, a top political and media adviser to Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad, issued a warning of sorts to the United States – that Washington’s illegal three year occupation of various parts of northeastern Syria could be coming to an end. She warned that Damascus will not accept Washington’s open-ended military deployment inside her country’s borders, and the ongoing theft of Syria’s natural resources.

Bolivia’s New US-Backed Interim Gov’t Wastes No Time Privatizing Economy

It has been barely one month since the administration of Jeanine Añez seized power in a military coup in Bolivia, but it has wasted no time in attempting to transform the economy and society. Its latest move is aimed at privatizing the country’s economy. A government spokesperson confirmed the fears of many, claiming that “I believe the government should reduce its own size” and a protagonistic role should be given to private enterprises.