
West Coast is Seeing Record Catches Thanks to Environmentalists and Activists

By the year 2000, most of the groundfish that was usually sought by commercial fisheries on the West Coast were completely gone. California’s waterfront restaurants used to serve seafood that came straight from its shores, but for years now it has been imported from places like China. With the help of activists and environmentalists, though, the groundfish are returning.

Just How Many Garbage Patches are There in Our Oceans? See for Yourself

Our oceans not only provide ample food for us when they are in peak condition, but they sustain life on this planet. In a visual representation experiment of the garbage patches around the world’s oceans, we can see just how seriously we’ve affected our oceans through Big Ag practices, littering, corporate disregard, and additional environmentally unfriendly practices which affect Mother Nature’s ‘womb.’

Adidas Makes Sneakers from Ocean Waste

The importance of cleaning up our oceans has become a front-and-center issue, as it should be. From a 19-year-old’s creation of an ocean clean-up array meant to clean up the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ to the development of eco-friendly plastic alternatives, we’re all doing our best to save one of the most precious resources we have on this planet.

Shocking Photos: California’s 101,000 Gallon Oil Spill Hits Pacific Ocean

As if we needed another reason to turn to alternative fuels with the enormous dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico still lingering due to BP Oil’s refusal to clean up their mess, pictures have come in from the oil pipeline rupture near Santa Barbara that initially sent 21,000 gallons (of a total 101,000 gallons released) of crude oil into the Pacific Coast waters – an incident that happened in late May.

Tuna Ranked: How to Really Avoid BPA and Mercury in Your Fish

Why have tuna sales in America  dropped significantly? Tuna still is the most popular canned fish of all time, but health concerns involving the packaging is playing a part in the diminishing popularity of the food. This, as well as the poor quality and safety of the food itself, environmental concerns regarding overfishing, and unintentionally harming other aquatic life. Does your tuna measure up? Read on to find out.

4 Reasons Why More People are Turning Away from This Popular Fish

Tuna is one of America’s favorite canned fish, but that is quickly changing for many individuals who realize the downfall to buying and opening that small can. From the environmental impact of over-fishing which results in fishery depletion and the accidental catch of other fish like dolphin, to the obvious mercury-contamination we’ve all known about for so long, here is why more people are turning away from canned tuna.