Occupy movement

A Message of Hope for the New Year

Kevin Zeese has long amazed me because of the number of things he does to make a better world. Mondays he does a radio program with Margaret Flowers called Clearing the FOG, which is one of the best alternative programs in the world, informing people of what is happening beyond the narrow scope of the corporate media.
Months before the Occupy Movement began, he was organizing activists in the City of Washington to occupy Freedom Plaza there.

What Will the Revolution Look Like?

My writing has been dedicated to overthrowing the oligarchs and plutocrats who have made a USA-inc.-hell of the nation, replete with an empire based on the greed of ruling scum. These bastards are the lowest form of life and if they all died today, the world would be a better place.
The ruling forces of greed have abandoned millions to survival status, without jobs, without health care, without hope. Those in the middle get crumbs off the table and grovel in a subservient state lest they fall through the cracks.

The Children of Oslo

Recently, I received a message from Walaa Alghussein, a wonderful journalist from Gaza, about unfolding events in Palestine. In few, but very prescient words, she summed up the on-going explosive resistance on the ground: “cheers to the 90’s generation . . . it’s proving that this generation of Oslo was just being underestimated.” Walaa, an activist member of this generation herself, got me to thinking — she always does; this time about defiant resistance, our youthful rebels and our collective future.