Occupy movement

Preparing For The Coming Transformation

The year 2017 has been another active year for people fighting on a wide range of fronts. The Trump administration has brought many issues that have existed for years out into the open where they are more difficult to deny – racism, colonialism, imperialism, capitalism and patriarchy and the crises they create. More people are activated and greater connections between the fronts of struggle are creating a movement of movements. These are positive developments, bright spots in difficult times.

They say: There is No Alternative

We are living in times of increased global economic injustice, suspicion against the establishment and a political terrain that is being redrawn to such an extent that few analysts really understand what is happening. Rarely have we seen such political mobility and possibility for change. But the ruling political consensus in Europe and the western world seems unyielding: “There is no alternative”.

From Occupy to Charlottesville & Beyond – Identity Politics, the Gladiatorial Arena & the Balkanisaton of Society…

In the article on the Charlottesville unrest and the broader issues of sectarian rifts and societal breakdown, I wrote about the possible psy-op properties and divide-and-conquer strategy being applied. I also wrote that ‘our hope should be that the majority of people are more intelligent and discerning than that and will refuse to get drawn […]

Resist the Duopoly: Because Judas’s Party Can’t Defeat Trump’s

Author’s Note: This is the second and final part of my call-to-arms series “The REAL Trump Resistance: An Anti-Duopoly Occupy.” Given the importance I attach to its message, it’s written to be understood on its own. But for still deeper understanding—especially for supporters of third parties—please read Part 1.
REAL Anti-Trump Resistance: Grassroots War on Our Diseased Duopoly

TRUMP’S White House In-Waiting, Part I: Corporate Strike Back & the Coup of the 1%…

Now that the electoral college has has confirmed Trump’s presidency and his inauguration approaches, I wanted to address the shape of the incoming Trump administration, the dangers, the sensibilities. And why there is legitimate, palpable reason for concern and anxiety that isn’t anything to do with being ‘liberal elite’ or ‘lib-tard’ or whatever dumb labels anti-progressives […]

Why the Anti-Trump Protests Are Necessary: And Why They Should Eventually Stop…

Before commenting on the protests still going on around America, I want to establish two things first. Firstly, Donald Trump won the election: eventually that will simply have to be accepted. Second, I really don’t have a clear sense of what’s going on at the moment behind the scenes or of what is going to […]

The True Sharing Economy: Inaugurating an Age of the Heart

Any act that tries to contribute towards ending the prevalent suffering caused by absolute poverty is, in itself, the purest expression of a sharing economy via the heart, via our maturity and via common sense, especially if that act is focused on trying to persuade our political representatives to commit to sharing the resources of the world.