
Obesity in Midlife Linked to Earlier Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease

A thick waistline can give you diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, and cause stroke, but now a new study says being overweight in midlife also raises the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and at an earlier age. [1]
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health announced that being overweight or obese at age 50 puts people at greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease early.

Vitamin C ‘as Effective as Exercise’ at Improving Vascular Tone

Vitamin C may mimic some of the effects of exercise in overweight and obese individuals. [1]
The protein endothelin-1 (ET-1) has a constricting action on small blood vessels. This activity is increased in overweight and obese individuals, making small blood vessels more prone to constrict and less able to handle blood flow demand, increasing the risk of vascular disease. At the start of the study, all of the participants had impaired vascular tone.

The Average American Woman Now Weighs As Much As 1960s Man

Here’s a disturbing reality: the average woman in America now weighs as much as the average American male weighed in 1960. What’s more, the average weight of a male is ballooning as well. But don’t worry, mega food corporations like Monsanto and soda lobbying groups say we’re doing just fine.
There’s no way there could be a connection between the degradation of the food supply and America’s massive increase in obesity rates, right?