
Obamagate shows Biden is inadequate in challenging Trump

Submitted by InfoBrics, authored by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst…
Former U.S. President Barack Obama is coming under increasing pressure, led by what President Donald Trump is calling “Obamagate.” This comes as Mexico has requested to finally clarify the affair with the secret sale of American weapons to Mexican drug cartels. Mexico is asking for the case to be clarified after almost ten years.

Obama signals to Judge Sullivan, not to free Michael Flynn (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan sinister ploy to delay the dismissal of charges against Michael Flynn and instead let outside individuals and groups weigh in with their opinions in court documents.
Sullivan appointed appointed former federal judge John Gleeson as an amicus curiae — or friend-of-the-court — and asked him to explore whether Sullivan should hold Flynn in “criminal contempt for perjury.”

Obamagate wiretaps may have started when Bill Clinton secretly met with Loretta Lynch

How much did Hillary Clinton know, regarding the Trump Tower wiretaps and Fisa warrants (assuming they existed)?
What we know: The first Fisa request came right after former Attorney General Loretta Lynch met with Bill Clinton on the airport tarmac in Phoenix Arizona on June of 2016.

The first Fisa request was denied.
A week later FBI Director James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton from further investigation saying…