Rogue States Sanction the International Criminal Court
[Prefatory Note: This post is a slightly modified version of an editorial contribution to TMS (Transcend Media Service), June 22-28, 2020).]
Sanctioning the International Criminal Court
[Prefatory Note: This post is a slightly modified version of an editorial contribution to TMS (Transcend Media Service), June 22-28, 2020).]
Sanctioning the International Criminal Court
(CD) — The last surviving prosecutor at the Nazi Nuremberg trials just offered harsh criticism for the Trump administration’s family separation crisis resulting from its cruel immigration policies, calling it “a crime against humanity.” Ninety-nine year old Ben Ferencz made the comments in a recent lengthy interview with United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad […]
Professor Francis Boyle
It is the Unlimited Imperialists along the line of Alexander, Rome, Napoleon and Hitler who are now in charge of conducting American foreign policy…
p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15.0px; font: 14.0px Helvetica; color: #000000; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} Dans sa livraison datée du samedi 12 août, en page 16, Le Monde publie sur deux colonnes un long article signé de Thomas Wieder, un journaliste dont la dévotion au culte de la Shoah est connue. Intitulé « Ernst Zündel, Editeur négationniste », l’article s’orne d’une photographie du défunt, disparu le 5 août.
In its edition of Saturday, August 12, Le Monde published a long, two-column article by Thomas Wieder, a journalist whose devotion to the “Shoah” cult is well known. Entitled “Ernst Zündel, Holocaust denial publisher” and adorned with a photograph of the deceased, who died on August 5, its tone is set by the first two sentences:The French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson called him “dear friend”, considered him a “source of inspiration”, and said that he was “the man he admired most”.
(ANTIMEDIA) Only one lawyer who prosecuted the Nuremberg trials is still alive today, and he has an important message for the world: war is not the answer.
By John Scales Avery
The duty of individuals living under an unjust government.
There are many governments today that can be described unjust, and some that even deserve to be called fascist.
What is the duty of the individual citizen, living under such a government?
What was the duty of a German, living under Hitler?