I Wonder If Pundits Predicting That The GOP Will Keep Control Of The Senate Factor In Schumer's Incompetence

As Trump's leader-less FEC prepared for Hurricane Dorian's landfall Saturday morning, Trump took time out of his busy schedule of golfing and not going to Poland to tweet about giving the wealthiest Americans another tax cut and to start fighting with his reality TV doppelgänger Omarosa, who he brought into the government and then fired:

Who’s The Creepiest Old Man In The Senate?

After Republican child molester Roy Moore announced he would be running for the Alabama Senate seat again, appointed Senator Martha McSally of Arizona was quoted by Politico’s Burgess Everett saying “Give me a break! This place has enough creepy old men!” Was she wasn’t referring to Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and some of the other creepy old men in the Senate?