Novo Nordisk

Drug Price Showdown Time for Chairman Bernie Sanders

It is showdown time. Senator Bernie Sanders, new chair of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee versus Big Pharma. The self-described “democratic socialist” from a safe seat in Vermont has long been a Big Pharma nemesis. He has issued detailed critiques of what others have called a “Pay or Die” industry coddled by […]
The post Drug Price Showdown Time for Chairman Bernie Sanders first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Insulin Prices Triple Since 2010, Leaving Americans to Ration or Travel Abroad for Affordable Meds

The 2010s were an extremely good decade for corporate America. Under President Trump, the stock markets rose to achieve new highs in 2019. But for working Americans, the story was quite different. The federal minimum wage did not increase in monetary value from $7.25 in 2010 (and some states now allow corporations to pay workers less).