November 2013

Please Support BFP: A True Alternative Subsidized Solely by the People

Help Us Counter the ‘Dumb-ification of the Masses’A truly alternative media is a truly independent media: independent of foundation mega-bucks, independent of corporate-sponsors and billionaire Sugar-Daddies, and independent of mega-advertisement dollars. There is only ONE way for a truly independent alternative to exist, survive, continue and expand: The People- direct contributions, subscriptions and donations by the people.

A Dangerous & Absurd Disconnect: “Everything on the Internet Should Be Free!”

The Hidden Price of the Establishment Sugar Daddies-Backed Propaganda & Vulture Advertisers-Sponsored Free Content
The other day I was chatting with a man who was expressing his appreciation for our irate minority home-Boiling Frogs Post. Everything, all the brief communication, up to a certain point, was going well. Until … until he made the following comment: